Campaign Analytics

Within the platform, you have access to several data in real time regarding your campaign. The stats are available in the Campaign details section.

Issued Passes
Number of unique passes generated by the platform.

Each time a user visits the download page for the first time a unique pass will be issued him if the that user returns to download page in the next 24 hours the platform will deliver the same pass instead of issuing him a new one.

Installed Passes
Number of times a pass is added into a mobile wallet (Apple Wallet, Android Pay or other third-party app).
Removed Passes
Number of passes deleted or disabled by the users.
Redeemed Passes:
Number of passes that were redeemed in store or at the event.
Active Passes
Number of passes still installed inside a users mobile wallet. (It’s the number of installed passes minus passes deleted or disabled).


The numbers above the graphic correspond to the time frame period that you’re currently viewing on the graphic. As for the numbers below the graphic, it corresponds to the total number of users, since the campaign was published.

Export Data

Next to the calendar icon, you have the possibility to export the data into a CSV file.